Kris Kristofferson – The Complete Monument & Columbia Album Collection: in occasione dell’80° compleanno del grande Kris Kristofferson esce un monumentale box con ben 16 album. 11 studio album registrati tra il 1970 ed il 1981 più 5 bonus disc di cui 3 rari e con concerti mai pubblicati del 1970/1972 e due compilation di materiale mai inserito in LP e demo di studio inediti.
Il box contiene i seguenti dischi:
Kristofferson (Monument, 1970)
The Silver Tongued Devil and I (Monument, 1971)
Border Lord (Monument, 1972)
Jesus Was a Capricorn (Monument, 1972)
Spooky Lady’s Sideshow (Monument, 1974)
Breakaway—Kris Kristofferson & Rita Coolidge (Monument, 1974)
Who’s To Bless…and Who’s To Blame (Monument, 1975)
Surreal Thing (Monument, 1976)
Easter Island (Monument/Columbia, 1978)
Shake Hands With The Devil (Monument/columbia, 1979)
To The Bone (Monument/columbia, 1981)
Bonus discs:
Live At The Big Sur Folk Festival (recorded 1970, previously unreleased)
The WPLJ-FM Broadcast (recorded 1972, previously unreleased)
Live At The Philharmonic (recorded 1972/released 1992)
Extras (previously released non-LP singles, outtakes and appearances)
Demos (previously unreleased)