
The Hot Rats Sessions di Frank Zappa

115_HotRatsSessions_Cover960pxIn occasione del cinquantenario dalla sua uscita, viene pubblicato un cofanetto di 6 CD dedicato a Hot Rats di Frank Zappa.

In uscita il prossimo 20 dicembre, un giorno prima di quello che sarebbe stato il 79 compleanno del baffuto musicista, The Hot Rats Sessions conterrà tutto quanto registrato in quei prolifici giorni del 1969, con grande abbondanza di materiale raro o mai sentito prima. 

Mixato a partire dai master originali da Craig Parker Adams, masterizzato da Bob Ludwig, supervisionato dallo Zappa Trust e prodotto da Ahmet Zappa Joe Travers, il cofanetto sarà arricchito da un booklet di 28 pagine contenente immagini, foto, saggi e note dettagliate.

Insieme al cofanetto, verrà ripubblicato, in vinile 180 grammi rosa, anche il disco originale e un’edizione limitata del 10″ Picture disc Peaches In Regalia EP.


1. Piano Music (Section 1) 
2. Piano Music (Section 3) 
3. Peaches En Regalia (Prototype) 
4. Peaches En Regalia (Section 1, In Session) 
5. Peaches En Regalia (Section 1, Master Take) 
6. Peaches Jam – Part 1 
7. Peaches Jam – Part 2 
8. Peaches En Regalia (Section 3, In Session) 
9. Peaches En Regalia (Section 3, Master Take) 
10. Arabesque (In Session) 
11. Arabesque (Master Take) 
12. Dame Margret’s Son To Be A Bride (In Session)

1. It Must Be A Camel (Part 1, In Session) 
2. It Must Be a Camel (Part 1, Master Take) 
3. It Must Be a Camel (Intercut, In Session) 
4. It Must Be a Camel (Intercut, Master Take) 
5. Natasha (In Session) 
6. Natasha (Master Take) 
7. Bognor Regis (Unedited Master) 
8. Willie The Pimp (In Session) 
9. Willie The Pimp (Unedited Master Take) 
10. Willie The Pimp (Guitar OD 1) 
11. Willie The Pimp (Guitar OD 2)

1. Transition (Section 1, In Session) 
2. Transition (Section 1, Master Take) 
3. Transition (Section 2, Intercut, In Session) 
4. Transition (Section 2, Intercut, Master Take) 
5. Transition (Section 3, Intercut, In Session) 
6. Transition (Section 3, Intercut, Master Take) 
7. Lil’ Clanton Shuffle (Unedited Master) 
8. Directly From My Heart To You (Unedited Master) 
9. Another Waltz (Unedited Master)

1. Dame Margret’s Son To Be A Bride (Remake) 
2. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (Take 1) 
3. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (Master Take) 
4. Big Legs (Unedited Master Take) 
5. It Must Be a Camel (Percussion Tracks) 
6. Arabesque (Guitar OD Mix) 
7. Transition (Full Version) 
8. Piano Music (Section 3, OD Version)

1. Peaches En Regalia (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
2. Willie The Pimp (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
3. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
4. Little Umbrellas (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
5. The Gumbo Variations (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
6. It Must Be A Camel (1987 Digital Re-Mix) 
7. The Origin Of Hot Rats 
8. Hot Rats Vintage Promotion Ad #1 
9. Peaches En Regalia (1969 Mono Single Master) 
10. Hot Rats Vintage Promotion Ad #2 
11. Little Umbrellas (1969 Mono Single Master) 
12. Lil’ Clanton Shuffle (1972 Whitney Studios Mix)

1. Little Umbrellas (Cucamonga Version) 
2. Little Umbrellas (1969 Mix Outtake) 
3. It Must Be A Camel (1969 Mix Outtake) 
4. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (1969 Mix Outtake) 
5. More Of The Story Of Willie The Pimp 
6. Willie The Pimp (Vocal Tracks) 
7. Willie The Pimp (1969 Quick Mix) 
8. Dame Margret’s Son To Be A Bride (1969 Quick Mix) 
9. Hot Rats Vintage Promotion Ad #3 
10. Bognor Regis (1970 Record Plant Mix) 
11. Peaches En Regalia (1969 Rhythm Track Mix) 
12. Son Of Mr. Green Genes (1969 Rhythm Track Mix) 
13. Little Umbrellas (1969 Rhythm Track Mix) 
14. Arabesque (Guitar Tracks) 
15. Hot Rats Vintage Promotion Ad #4


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