foto: Reuters/Lucas Jackson


Graham Nash: il nuovo singolo in anteprima

nash_this path tonightIn esclusiva per Buscadero la première del nuovo singolo di Graham NashThis Path Tonight dal nuovo album omonimo in uscita il 15 Aprile 2016.

Una nota di Graham Nash a proposito:

«What a pleasure it was recording this album. Shane Fontayne and I had written 20 songs in a month and recorded them in eight days. I felt comfortable on day one even though I’d never met some of the musicians before that moment. Shane, who produced the album, put together a great band: Todd Caldwell (hammond organ), Jay Bellerose (drums, percussion), Jennifer Condos (bass), Patrick Warren (piano), Shane Fontayne (guitars). My music has a different feel to my earlier albums although I hear echoes of each one. This journey of mine was one of self-discovery, of intense creation, of absolute passion. Enjoy!»

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