In esclusiva per Buscadero la première del nuovo singolo di Graham Nash, This Path Tonight dal nuovo album omonimo in uscita il 15 Aprile 2016.
Una nota di Graham Nash a proposito:
«What a pleasure it was recording this album. Shane Fontayne and I had written 20 songs in a month and recorded them in eight days. I felt comfortable on day one even though I’d never met some of the musicians before that moment. Shane, who produced the album, put together a great band: Todd Caldwell (hammond organ), Jay Bellerose (drums, percussion), Jennifer Condos (bass), Patrick Warren (piano), Shane Fontayne (guitars). My music has a different feel to my earlier albums although I hear echoes of each one. This journey of mine was one of self-discovery, of intense creation, of absolute passion. Enjoy!»