
The Beatles: esce il 28 ottobre una nuova edizione di Revolver

Revolver è l’album dei Beatles del 1966 che ha cambiato tutto. Inaugurando una nuova era vibrante di psichedelia sonora sperimentale e d’avanguardia, Revolver ha portato un cambiamento epocale culturale e ha segnato una svolta importante nell’evoluzione creativa dei Beatles. Con Revolver, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison e Ringo Starr si incamminarono verso una nuova avventura.

Il 28 ottobre, Revolver sarà ripubblicato in tutto il mondo in Edizione Speciale da Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/UMe.

Le 14 tracce di Revolver sono state mixate in stereo e Dolby Atmos e portate a nuova vita grazie ad un meticoloso restauro sonoro del produttore Giles Martin e del sound engineer Sam Okell. Il mix mono originale dell’album è tratto dal suo master tape mono del 1966. La nuova edizione speciale di Revolver segue le acclamate edizioni speciali remixate e ampliate di Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2017), The BEATLES (‘White Album’) (2018), Abbey Road (2019) e Let It Be (2021).

Tutte le nuove versioni di Revolver contengono il nuovo mix stereo dell’album, proveniente direttamente dai master tape originali a quattro tracce. L’audio è riprodotto con una nitidezza straordinaria con l’aiuto dell’innovativa tecnologia di de-mixing sviluppata dal pluripremiato team del suono guidato da Emile de la Rey presso la WingNut Films Productions Ltd di Peter Jackson. Le versioni Super Deluxe fisiche e digitali contengono anche il mix mono originale dell’album, 28 prime take dalle sessioni e tre home demos, e un EP di quattro tracce con nuovi mix stereo e mix mono originali rimasterizzati di Paperback Writer e Rain. Il nuovo mix Dolby Atmos dell’album sarà pubblicato in digitale.

Revolver Special Edition (Super Deluxe): 63 tracks

* Digital Audio Collection (stereo & hi res 96kHz/24-bit stereo + mono + Dolby Atmos)

* 5CD (stereo & mono audio) with 100-page hardbound book in a 12.56” x 12.36” slipcase

* 4LP+7-inch EP (stereo & mono audio) on half-speed mastered 180-gram vinyl with 100-page hardbound book in a 12.56” x 12.36” slipcase

  • DISC 1: Revolver (New stereo mix): 14 tracks
  • DISCS 2 & 3: Sessions (stereo & mono): 31 tracks
  • DISC 4: Revolver (Original mono master): 14 tracks
  • DISC 5: Revolver EP: 4 tracks
    • “Paperback Writer” & “Rain” (New stereo mixes & Original mono mixes remastered)

Revolver Special Edition (Deluxe): 29 tracks

* 2CD in digipak with a 40-page booklet abridged from the Super Deluxe book

  • DISC 1: Revolver (New stereo mix): 14 tracks
  • DISC 2: Sessions highlights + “Paperback Writer” & “Rain” (New stereo mixes): 15 tracks

Revolver Special Edition (Standard): 14 tracks

* Digital (New album mix in stereo & hi res 96kHz/24-bit stereo + new Dolby Atmos mix)

* 1CD in digipak (New stereo mix)

* 1LP (New stereo mix) on half-speed mastered 180-gram vinyl

* Limited Edition 1LP vinyl picture disc (New stereo mix) illustrated with the album cover art

SUPER DELUXE [5CD + 100-page hardbound book in slipcase | digital audio collection]

CD1: Revolver (New stereo mix)
1: Taxman
2: Eleanor Rigby
3: I’m Only Sleeping
4: Love You To
5: Here, There And Everywhere
6: Yellow Submarine
7: She Said She Said
8: Good Day Sunshine
9: And Your Bird Can Sing
10: For No One
11: Doctor Robert
12: I Want To Tell You
13: Got To Get You Into My Life
14: Tomorrow Never Knows

CD2: Sessions On
1: Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1)
2: Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono mix RM 11)
3: Got To Get You Into My Life (First version) – Take 5
4: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Unnumbered mix – mono
5: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Take 8
6: Love You To (Take 1) – mono
7: Love You To (Unnumbered rehearsal) – mono
8: Love You To (Take 7)
9: Paperback Writer (Takes 1 and 2) – Backing track – mono
10: Rain (Take 5 – Actual speed)
11: Rain (Take 5 – Slowed down for master tape)
12: Doctor Robert (Take 7)
13: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2
14: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2 (giggling)

CD3: Sessions Two
1: And Your Bird Can Sing (Second version) – Take 5
2: Taxman (Take 11)
3: I’m Only Sleeping (Rehearsal fragment) – mono
4: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 2) – mono
5: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 5) – mono
6: I’m Only Sleeping (Mono mix RM1)
7: Eleanor Rigby (Speech before Take 2)
8: Eleanor Rigby (Take 2)
9: For No One (Take 10) – Backing track
10: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 1) – mono
11: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 2) – mono
12: Yellow Submarine (Take 4 before sound effects)
13: Yellow Submarine (Highlighted sound effects)
14: I Want To Tell You (Speech and Take 4)
15: Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6)
16: She Said She Said (John’s demo) – mono
17: She Said She Said (Take 15) – Backing track rehearsal

CD4: Revolver (Original mono master)

Album tracklist (same as above)

CD5: Revolver EP
1: Paperback Writer (New stereo mix)
2: Rain (New stereo mix)
3: Paperback Writer (Original mono mix remastered)
4: Rain (Original mono mix remastered)

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